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J Webby Can Eat

J Webby Can Eat is:

Real name is James Webb, husband to Kate, professional eater, food challenger and content creator.

In the Beginning..

James grew up in Sydney, Australia, His mother is Croatian and growing up his family gatherings were always centred around lots and lots of food. But there was nothing inevitable about his career heading to where it is at presently as, when he was younger he had to overcome childhood obesity to be able to play semi-pro soccer before a far more serious illness put him in hospital for nearly 2 years.

At 27 years-old, James suffered with Guillain-Barre syndrome, an auto-immune disorder. GBS is a very rare disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its nerves resulting in a complete shutdown. Thankfully a new form of treatment was available which, along with Webb’s steely determination, enabled him to teach himself how to both walk and also be able to breathe without using a ventilator.

Appetite for Destruction.

He always knew he could eat more than the average person as he would forever be finishing off everyone else’s plates at family dinners. But he didn’t realise what a talent he had for eating so quickly until James and his wife visited the Khartoum Hotel in Cessnock, NSW.

James decided to order the 5kg burger challenge, this included a 5kg Hamburger with fries, wedges, and onion rings. At a leisurely rate he ate his way through it and finished in 27mins 37 seconds. The locals were stunned as the challenge had been deemed impossible. With about 56 contenders previously having tried and failed, James remains the only winner. It made news across Australia and overseas and so J Webby Can Eat was officially born and the latest social media star was on the ascendancy.

Since this discovery in 2021 the 30-something-Aussie has quit his job and started entering food eating comps across Australia and the USA earning some decent prize money along the way simply for eating lots of food in a very fast time. Webb’s first competition saw him eating 38 pancakes in an hour where he broke the Australian record in Queensland.

Not long after he headed up to Toowoomba where he finished a 3 ½ kg doughnut in under 20 minutes and the media and social media attention started to grow. Then just two weeks later in Victoria he ploughed through 17 sausage sizzle sarnies in an astonishing 3 minutes, again breaking another record but more was still to come on the world stage.

In His Own Words.

Boasting an impressive 1.5 million TikTok followers and 32 million ‘likes’, J Webby Can Eat specialises in presenting curated content featuring food challenges and promotional highlights across Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok.

J Webby Can Eat provides restaurants, venues, products, or events to unprecedented visibility, reaching a fanatical audience of millions.

Recognised as “Outstanding” on Klear, a prominent Influencer Marketing App, J Webby Can Eat also proudly hold the title of Australia’s Number 1 Competitive Eater and is globally ranked in 5th place.

As a Social Media Influencer, Food Content Creator and one of the world’s top ranked eaters J Webby Can Eat’s mission is to help businesses promote themselves and their best eats using the same social media practices which James Webb used to grow his own personal platforms.

Big Eating Record Tumble

In September 2023, James Webb added two new world records and three championship titles after eating the best food munchers on the planet. Mr Webb was crowned both the chicken wing eating world-record holder and world slopper eating champion in the space of just 48 hours in the US. This followed on from his world record-winning effort back home in Australia at the Ekka show in Queensland in August where thrilled viewers as he swallowed 20 Dagwood Dogs in under 6 minutes.

At the US Chicken Wing Eating Championship in New York State in September 2023, Webb was up against world champ Joey Chestnut and twice reigning queen of the winged comp Miki Sudo but the smiling Aussie chomped his way to the title and $7500 first prize. In 12 minutes, Webb ate a staggering 276 chicken wings – approximately one wing every 2 ½ seconds.

Just a couple of days prior James had been victorious in Colorado, toppling two-time defending champion Geoff Esper at the World Slopper Eating Championship in a very tight finish, having eaten 32 sloppers against Esper’s 31.5.

J Webby Can Eat triple triumph came quickly on the back of his third place behind Chestnut in the infamous annual Nathan’s hot dog competition at Coney Island.


@jwebbycaneat YouTube subscribers now are over 33k and interest in his content is set to increase further as Webb travels even more around the world to take on eating challenges.

A couple of highlights from 2023:

TikTok – with over 1.5 million followers and over 30m likes J Webby Can Eat has made some of the most compelling eating content in 2023 featuring:

  • Over 16 million views of this eating challenge which Webb destroyed – Free Dinner
  • 5 million views of this demolition of a large slice of pizza – Under 3 minutes

Instagram – presently closing in on 60k followers on Insta, and with a range of eating content as Mr Webb smiles and charms his way around the globe. Selected here are a couple challenges from James’ exploits on his trip to Dubai:

  • Joe Fortune set him a challenge to eat the world’s largest croissant and drink the most ridiculously sized coffee on the planet both in the heat of the day .. Supersize in Dubai
  • One of the craziest Meter Long Pizza challenges that’s been on social media yet Webb gets through it without too much problem

What’s Next?

J Webby Can Eat’s continues to be in demand and Joe isn’t letting him rest him up with a salad anytime soon! To keep up to date on James’ next food challenges, events, competitions, and upcoming appearances, details can be found at or alternatively follow him on socials.